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Cigar Box Celtic Harp

Views: 149
Cigar Box Celtic Harp( Sorry no music Yet waiting for thestrings to settle in )

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  • thats wild hope to hear samples some time, thats a good mind you got there
  • great idea and excellent execution, can't wait to hear it!
  • The only way that build could have been any neater is if you had included sharping levers. Nice job. I loved seeing the way you dealt with the string tension on the top of the box. One of my first music builds was a harp from a kit when I was 17 so I could really relate to this build. Nice job.


  • I'm with Keni,can't wait to hear it!!
  • wow thats pretty cool , nice work - love the old 45 centre the Sound Holes :)
  • Yikes! music looking at pictures of cakes...looks great...must hear...Thanks for sharing. Enjoy.
  • As others have said, can't wait to here it. Nice build
  • Awesome!  Can't wait to hear what it sounds like.
  • Good Morning All,


    Here is a Cigar Box Celtic Harp.

    Sorry there is no music yet, the strings are still

    settling in.  Soon.




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