Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Beatles 1 (1 of 5)

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The Cigar Box Guitar Slingers performing at the Spokane Fall Folk Festival 2023. Intro and three of the first four Beatles songs.

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  • Thanks Alan! Actually we are benefiting greatly from the audience. I distributed the words to the songs in advance and our audience did not disappoint.

  • Great to see, and hear the combined vocals of the Slingers on both 1 and 2  Beatles Vid's, "Well Done" :-)

  • Got you smiling Uncle John! In my book that’s a win.

  • Another great report card! Thanks again Kale. It’s proving to be a lot of fun getting out there with our CBGs. 

  • :D

  • A++ Doug. I loved the intro. We're not virtuosos and we don't sing, but we can make songs. Nice work Slingers.

  • Thanks for the high praise BrianQ! As you already know, Cigar Box Guitars are not as well known in the Western United States. Unfortunately, almost all of the CBG Festivals are East of the Mississippi. This is our second year performing at the Spokane Fall Folk Festival, so we are working at it. I think we are making some progress and having a lot of fun doing it.

  • I love the way you introduced the existence of cbg’s & one finger chords to the general population, Doug! Right to the point, a born public speaker! Awesome job slinger’s, something to be proud of!!

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