Cigar box guitar blues improvisation

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A blues improvisation (of a future song called "Troublems") filmed May 1st 2015 in Porvoo, Finland.

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  • And the live video:
  • Troublems (clip)

  • Well that's cool! There's troublems all around, don't give them water after dark!

  • Help yourself, Marty.  I like that Troublems word so much that I might steal it and write a different song.

  • Thanks John. I have the lyrics almost figured out, but I might have to borrow some of your stuff if that's ok :) A guy from work used the word "troublem" the other day, and I immediately knew what had to be done ;)
  • I've had troublems all my life

    Losing argument, loosing fights.

    Somethings always troublems me.

    Guess that's how it's meant to be.

    I've had troublems since I was six

    Ain't thing about it that I  can fix.

    Troublems till my dying day.

    Won't be bad to go away.

  • Excellent.  Keep it going.  Good title too.   I've had troublems all my life.

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