We play 12 songs in one hour during our Monday Night Zoom sessions from 6:30 - 7:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time). To join us check out the details here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/zoom
It's a great way to have fun and learn new songs.
Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 233rd Zoom Mtg 12/23/24. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/songbooks
I appreciate the feedback Uncle John! It's fun trying to cover a variety of Christmas songs.
Good song, Slingers.
It is a great song for the Chugger Kale! I changed the key to get the song into my vocal range and the main chord progression turned into a straight ahead pattern right up the neck; much more satisfying to play: a win-win.
Thanks for watching.
I forgot about this one. Fun tune and perfect for the chuggger.
That could work BrianQ!!! I just did a YouTube search to refresh my memory. The song is in the movie Love Actually and is done by Billy Mack.
I think the Troggs would dig it too?
Thanks BrianQ! I'd like to take credit for it, but I found the song somewhere on the internet when I was building the Slinger Christmas Songbook.
Merry Christmas!
Clever take on a great song!! Xmas eve is upon us once again

CBG Xmas Songbook.pdf Song #55