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A fusion of 4 kinds of guitars and styles. Neil Diamond non-approved.

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  • Thank you very much Danny!  Cherries are my favorite fruit! Here’s your pie my friend!1219686032?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • nicely done Richard loved the blend of the 4 unique guitar sounds, The video made me hungry for some cherry pie

  • Thank you Keith for the like, always appreciate it!

  • A.D, always like your input and inspirational insights! I don’t know if Prince has done a take on the song. Your ear ever keen, a bit of the O witch sighting! Really like the ZZ reference. Thank you so much for your kind comments!

  • Thank you very much Derek! I’ve seen Neil on DVD and YouTube lately and he rocks this song. He does stick to the original format a heck of a lot better than I for some reason.

  • Thank you for the compliment, very generous and kind Nancy! Cherry blossom greatnesses in your photos!

  • Nice One Richard Like Cat Say's "The Man Of Many Talents "Fine Groove On the Cherry RED, did Prince do a take on that aswell?, and whit a love like that you shure are a Cherry Lucky!! its got ZZ qualety in there whit the crunchy Git must bee the SW , TAP must like that ! Greeeeets on Ye Bro ! Have a Nice One !

  • Cool rocked-up version Richard! Nice guitar weaving throughout. Good vocals too.

  • 1201088305?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • 1201072454?profile=RESIZE_710xA Cherry intriguing video with a man of many talents....loved it..Mmmmeowww^..^

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