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Views: 109
This thing sounds great hooked up to a 4x12 cab! even I was completely blown away! next time i'll shoot some video of it. But for those who have asked here it is on my hand wound single coil and a cheesy realistic speaker made for a communications receiver. sounds ok like this, but now I guess I need to get a bigger speaker cab huh? Also may work on a lager amp head using a pair of 6L6's I have laying around. Gota put them to use right?

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  • Very very cool man!!!!!!

  • thats the cats meow...or shall i saw the cats ROAR!

  • wow looks so Steampunk....well cool !!!!

  • Thanks and this thing on a 4x12 is really loud way louder than my vox ac4!
  • amazing amp! i'm using Orange 12/30w and Marshall 15w tube amps and they're amazingly loud..! (-:

  • very nice , that thing looks like fun !!!

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