"Ollie" my new cb geet

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this is "Ollie" - my new cb geet made by mr jim birmingham. just "noodlin" around with ollie, a marshall class 5 amp, and a blues driver pedal

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  • That's a great looking and sounding guitar. Looks like you have quite a collection of them :-)

  • Thanks john!!!!!, Ifn you live in the north Mississippi hill country....well.....everybody plays at least a little slide!!!!!

    Jason......thanks for the comment...but my man Elvis (see picture) looks better than that......well.....whatever that specimen is....dig the hat though!!!!',

  • Ollie thanks you guys!!!!!!!! 'preciate the comments!!

  • Sounds great,nice guitar!!!!!

  • Ollie is a dandy name for a cbg.  MIke!  This is some good stuff.  Sounds like Chicago style blues comin' out of the Mississippi blues man.   I can listen to you again, man.  Like the slide too.

  • Ollie, you the blues pedal be sounding real good !!!, oh and,  Ollie, looks pretty good too

  • Yum... noodles.


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