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Catch 22 improved I think

Views: 103
I think getting it polished up for live preformance I think still some bugs need work mo my consistancy hope it's improved

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  • Think be number one hit the right hands
  • Really Like the Song.!!!!!!! you are doin' Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • That is true, C.   And how you play and sing it can change and evolve as you go and per how you feel.

  • Thank you John I think it Easyer sing stuff you wrote you have no preconceived way it should sound so you don't try sound differint force it out your personal range
  • Thanks dog I worked out simple lead part as well just can't play it at the same time as the rythem
  • Yes in deed Mr. C.

  • I think it's gotten better.   Sometimes songs kind of grow on me and this one has done that.   Like it C.  And glad you found your singing style.  

  • Or stlouis cbg fest
  • Trying tell a story draws a person in
  • Little delay and preset on efect peddle couldn't say
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