Castles In The Air (New Song) on 3 String Cohiba CBG

Views: 242
Get Embed Code wrote this one day when I was feeling a bit stressed about the building work we're having done on the house.Good to get frustrations out in a song!Castles In The AirThoughts suspended like brick dust in the sun.Hours fly away like bullets from gun.Are you building something real,are you building something strong?...or just castles in the air?Feel just like a child stuck in an adults game.Another day goes by, it all looks just the same.Are you building something real,are you building something strong?...or just castles in the air?Sometimes wish we'd never started down this road.Soon we'll find out if our walls can bear the load.Are you building something real,are you building something strong?...or just castles in the air?Thoughts suspended like brick dust in the sun,Hours fly away like bullets from gun.Are you building something real,are you building something strong?...or just castles in the air?

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  • thanks Mark.Hope your building work is finished soon...if not start singing some building Blues!

  • Groovily aposite!

    My main excuse for not doing much musically at the moment is that we have a load of major building work in progress on our house. I know the stress! Feel like I live in a bomb site and I'll be covered in dust forever. Thanks for lifting my mood a little. I guess you've shown that building work is no obstacle to music so perhaps I should go get out one of my guitars.

  • cheers Antonio

  • nice text

  • thanks Jim : -)

  • Another wonderful song with great playing Be!

  • thanks Keith : -)

  • Good song and tunes, and a nice performance.

  • ha yes Oily, I can't get away from the noise!!

  • Love the sound of the construction lorry at the end!
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