Captain Pugwash on the Mandolin

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Not a guitar, no cigar box...but inspired by the stage invasion at the UK CBG Festival...a bit of an indulgence and a tribute to Dibbo...but you had to be there...

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  • Oh yes man...gwon to mash it up bigstyleee with ra mandolin massive, bredrin'...brap, in the parlance of the younger generation, so I'm led to understand, jolly good, seen? Pip pip!
  • I feel a captain pugwash/downriver mashup coming on..
  • No more like Chicken in a basket and Scampi and Chips. Or up North when the compare says "Ladies and Gentlemen, the pies have arrived" - but it has been a few years.
  • Ey...that's my line..."We're here all week, try the Chicken Chasseur /Black Pudding Thermidor /(name a dish of your choice) it's excellent..." you must have worked the same joints as me.
  • Yes John. I have stopped wearing the patch! Why are the called pirates? I don't know? They just arrrrrrrrrrrrr! Thank you very much... I'm here all week... Try the Veal...
  • Ok Ok OK bending to popular requests...... next year I will get Dibbo in fancy dress as The Captain but I will leave it up to him to "roger" the cabin boy.
  • If you can find a pub called The Black Pig for next year's fest venue ...
  • Hahaha brilliant!
  • yeah, played with feeling!!! Btw just watched a bit of Captain Pugwash on YouTube...I used to think it was GREAT, but looking at it now I'm sure kids today wouldn't stand for it!!!...we didn't have many choices though back then......
  • Norm..have you stopped wearing the patch?

    Ahaaahaaa..."avast there I say, Avast!!"...."A vast what?"..." I dunno, but it's pretty big!"...courtesy of Round The Horne....Moby Duck
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