Buzz Elimination And Test Drive On A New Build

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Wanted to test drive a new CBG (cigar box guitar) but had to get rid of a buzz first.

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  • Sweet guitar Bruce, your son will he happy! I use the torch cleaner tips too, and use a small coping/frame saw to hold them - a lot easier on the fingers when making a lot of slots.

  • Thank you Shane! Always love to listen to the guitars you test here on Cigar Box Nation. You build some wonderful instruments.

  • Test drive over .

    It's ready for the stage . 


  • Thanks for the comments Richard and Erasmo.

  • You're right about bone saddles and bridges there Uncle.  Not only do you have to tune 'em in, but they can be expensive.  Depending on what size you get they can be rather pricey.

  • Nice headstock, box and build.  Buzzes can be frustrating.  Nice simple fix once you knew what to do.  Bone (or bone like) saddles and bridges are 'classy'  but nuts and bolts seem to prevent problems.

  • He’s getting a great birthday gift! And a great support group sounds like. Good information, and some sweet guitar playing. Grooves matter in more than one way.

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