Bug In Lockdown Session - 22.46 Mins Live

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Bug's one man band in session -22.46 minutes of live Buggy and his rather less than amazing one man band. and some random fottage i had to hand

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  • I have a song book and wear my glasses lol... some songs the words are now too small so Idont play those anymore, i must enlarge. You cant beat a printed media as it doesn't switch off halfway through :>)

  • Energetic set list Buggy. I lose track of the words when I play and drink beer. Someone said if I was going to play drunk then I should practice drunk lol

  • Thanks Richard It keeps me busy.. I think the beer helped the flow of things !

  • Double beat pedals work doubletime! Buggy, your rather less than amazing 1manband is no less outstanding! Fun set, especially the second  entrée !

  • Thanks Danny, the beers were flowing last night lol


  • Giant Step | iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE

  • At least I can play in Isolation as there is just one of me lol... thanks man...12 feet now there is an idea.. I play two x double beate pedalss whilst diagonal across a high hat with a jingle and shaker...I make that 10 with my feet plus a CBG, Harp and singing = 13no going on at the same time lol  ...but i do have some co-ordination issues... :>)

  • The realy real One man Band in Mono  and a stool kisser ! Random Rocking Blues !! 12 feet from the ground! tree in a row ! Buggotastic !

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