Bug Amp - Now we are talking! (3 song, not so quick test)

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Go to 8.47 for short the quick versionBug's vintage amp hack and a few songs on a left handed right handed black box resonator CBG conversion, plus bug adapted footdrums and big six harp, Bug's one man band chaosVolume down / drive up! 12AX & EL84 's A class circuit - plus a cheap orange chinese drive pedal with four nobs that go to eleven!1)Liitle mildly annoying Red rooster dog,2)Uncle John's local Crossroads quick sand3)Come on down, to Chicargo(if you can hobo your way there and not get caught)Another hr in the life of Bug chaos and snatching quick practises, or jam sandwiches.....One day I might get the hang of this but then again! ..erPhone MiC now at 300mm above mic area and 35 deg tilt towards amp and 45 between me /cbg drums and amp S/E on plan

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  • Good mix with the vocals Buggy. Nice overall sound.

  • The Fender Bassman had 6L6's and SS rectifiers. Marshall modded that amp for their circuits from what I hear. They kept the SS rectifier and made their own versions of the power tubes 6L6=EL84. I think the Marshall circuit has a cleaner sound to them while the Fender has a shimmer to their clean sound. Great job on the amp.

  • ss rectifier I think

  • Think el84 are smother then 6v6 but 6v6 give a cleaner clean sound.. got a VHT which is 6v6

    this is 12ax and EL84...no idea on the rectifiers.. Thanks man

  • I love my old Silvertone Tube Amp, 2-12AX7's, 2-6V6's and a 6X4 rectifier tube. 6AU6 drives the Tremolo circuit. I put the chassis into a 3-way stereo speaker with the 12" speaker. The speaker cab made it sound darker like a Marshall - Tone Heaven.

    Yours sounds great, hard to beat 12AX7's and 6L6's. Tube rectifier or SS?

    Great music and loved the video.

  • Growly good after 8:47.   I sampled the rest and all good.   Honking the harp good too.  Very nice balance between vocals and guitar banging. 

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