Brick House 6 String CBG Sound Check

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This build was commissioned for a young man learning to play guitar. He wanted a CBG, but he needed a 6 string. I re-purposed an Ibanez neck that someone else removed from their guitar. The box is completely filled with oak - this thing is solid. I spent a lot of time getting the action low with no fret buzz to make it as easy to play as possible for the kid. I made this sound check demo to get approval before shipping it from Atlanta to Chicago. My playing is less than perfect. I was pleased with how it turned out, but the ultimate reward was that the young man doubled his guitar lessons and started playing daily because this guitar is much easier to play than the commercial acoustic he was learning on. When I heard that, it made my week! Oh - another cool thing is that I got the box from the cigar store in the Florida town where the kid's Grampa lives (my mother lives there as well).

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  • Sounds great. Better than great. Looks so cool too. I bet he's over the moon with it and getting all his mates interested. Give it a couple of weeks and you'll be snowed under with orders for them. 

    I'd never thought about completely filling a box with wood to make it solid but you've shown us that it definitely works. It looks much better balanced than a lot of CBGs I've seen and owned too. A great idea that I may try myself after seeing this, if you don't mind. 

    Great job, great look and well demonstrated too. Kudos!

  • Bob I really appreciate the info on the PSV & the water based contact cement & where to get them. This could be really useful!

    Dave, thank you. :)
  • Nice sound Janis. Thanks.
  • Janis, the water based contact cement I bought was Weldwood in a green can. I got it at one of the big box stores. The red can Weldwood contact cement is not water based and won't work with PSV. You can buy PSV online or at wood workers shops.

  • Oh Bob, I really appreciate that info on the PSV veneer. I'm going to jot that in my CBG notebook so I don't forget. Thank you! Is the water based contact cement easy to find? Maybe it's sold hand in hand with the pressure sensitive veneer?

    Thank you Andries! That is really nice. :)

    And thank you Derek! I appreciate the encouragement. 

    James, thank you! I swear that Money for Nothing riff has got to be my favorite riff I ever learned. It's just too much fun to bust that out! 

  • Nice Build looks great Like that Money for nothing Riff sounded fine

  • Good sound check. He should be very happy with his new custom axe. 

  • Looks and sounds great, and the same for your Playing, if he aint pleased!  he dont deserve it !!

  • Janis, another great build.  I love the Dire Straits Money for Nothing riff!  I rebuilt our kitchen and found that PSV pressure sensitive veneer is great to put on and has held up real well.  I use water based contact cement on the wood then after it dries I put the PSV veneer on.  It is paper thin so you don't see the edges.  Like you I am sensitive to most fumes.

  • Thank you for the veneer tips Jim! This could be cool to tackle in the future. 

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