Born Under a Bad Sign

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Played on my latest build. A solid body plywood strat shaped thing.

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  • Good hard rocking version!

  • Thanks guys. Appreciate the comments. Glad you enjoy the playing. Hopefully doing some more videos soon
  • Aha!, the mute button was on, can hear it now and "WOW", the sound and playing is "Bloody Awesome"    I love it :-D 

  • Okay, can here it, didn't think to look there. AGP, go up to the right hand corner to speaker, and move up the playing level.

  • I enjoyed this good rocker!
  • Ditto  Keith Rearick's comment, no sound :-(

  • Hi John. I'm working with my band a lot now, which is more indie rock n roll, but im intending on recording a few more covers of some blues classics.
  • Where've you been, Carl?  I missed your good rock.  Nice amp settings and play.

  • There's a volume control on the video
  • Can see it, but caan't hear it.

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