Blues on 6-string cigar box guitar

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Testing new pre-amp for the piezo pickup. Played through a CBG amp

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  • Sounds great as well as your fine playing.

  • Sounds great Clay.  Pre-amps are excellent, used quite a few in the past and always sounds good.

  • Real good sound Clay good pickins.

  • Test sounds beautifully done, nice tone and playing!

  • Hey!  That sounds fantastic and so does your mellow bluesy playing.   I've seen your nice gits in the photos section and especially admired the shape and wood grain on the head stocks.  

    Those pre-amps really can help.  I have a home made amp that to me, nothing sounds good through it without a pre-amp. 

  • Testing pre-amp recently installed for the piezo pickup. Works well to calm the overly bright tones of the piezo.
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