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Berger baritone dulci-strummer

Views: 178

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  • Sounds fantastic! nice low jangly timbre!

  • Cool stuff LBL.... :>)

  • I love this site , thanks for this ...


  • nice growly sound!

  • Sounds great made me proud...dulci`s rule !!

  • it looks and sounds great !!!

  • Great tone - like it !

  • Nice work Low

  • LONG scale.  Ohh!   Lots or sound.   Clear, good sound.   Wow.  Kind of looks medieval. Distinctive, but I had not decided if I liked the look.   The sound wins me over.  

  • Looks cool and sounds great Bones!   That box reminds me of an old, old ammo box.  Sweet and loooooong too!  ;-}}

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