bemuzic goes busking, armed with a 3 string Cigar Box Guitar, Diddley Bow, Canjo and Loop pedal : -)

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Went busking for the first time last week. Got no film or photos as I was on my own.This time my husband came along as roady/cameraman/minder!!I'm really enjoying the whole busking thing. You get to do two of my favourite things at the same time - people watching and playing music : -)On reflection when the bagpipe player started up just along the street I should have given in gracefully and moved somewhere else!!I was wanting to sing "Sheep Shit Blues" - see this vid if you have somehow missed Sheep Shit Blues!! thought the people of Cambridge might not be able to relate to it?!...SO I wrote a couple of songs with the same format "Cambridge Blues" and "Busker Blues" You can hear bits of them in the vid : -)I took along some copies of my EP, as a few people asked last time if I had a CD, and I sold one! Download of the EP available here!!http://www.bemuzic.bandcamp.comThanks to those of you who gave me advice and encouragement when I said I was thinking of doing this (even though some of it nearly put me off going,lol!)

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  • thanks Tom!..and why have you not gone busking?

  • yep spot on. It's good for when I'm looping, but also useful just for gettingt two inputs into one. The only downside is any affects used on the Cube will go onto both the vocals and the guitar. So that I can get a dirty guitar sound when I need to I put my guitar into a boss overdrive/distortion pedal before going into the loop pedal so I can then switch that on if I want overdriven guitar but clean vocals  : -)
  • hi be,,,the guitar and the mic goes into the boss,,,,and then the boss goes into the roland...correct???....thanks for posting
  • cheers Kevin...yeah I'm just using a Roland Microcube. It only has one input, but I'm also using a Boss RC-20 XL loop pedal which I put the mic and guitar into, and then that has one output which goes to the Cube. I see Catylst has already said what busking is...think you call it "Street Performing" in the US??
  • busking is when you set up shop in public somewhere and entertain people, play music in this instance, for 'tips' or contributions.
  • Hey, what does "busking" mean? That's an unfamiliar term for a yank like me.
  • I love details about your setup. I could use one like yours! I'm very impressed!
  • I LOVE IT!!!!!


    Is your PA battery-powered?

  • whoops hadn't seen your second comment when I answered...oh but just looked and 1.32 is where the Spring song bit starts so the info below is right : -)
  • cheers...that's a bit of  "Spring Song" If you want to hear the full song go here ...or for a vid of the simpler version I worked out to do live check out this vid
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