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Views: 331
Just reformatted my computer so I am able to record again. YAY!

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  • I am horrible with notes. It is E based. I think E,B,E or something. Similar to the one that many folks do which is based off of A. I like the heavier E string though lately, because you can tune it way down and it sounds almost like a bass.
  • love it man what tuning are you using?
  • PS> I am sorry I have been slacking on taking photos of my guitar. Will do so very so very soon. The camera was lost in the house for a couple weeks, but we finally found it.
  • I used an amp and video cam for this one. Did not plug into the computer. You need a jack from Radio Shack (guitar plug to audio input) to plug in to your computer. And you need some software that can record what you are playing (I use Sound Forge). I used to have this set up until someone tripped over the cord and ripped my soundcard apart (LOL). If you can input directly to your computer it usually sounds 100% better and you can record and mix tracks.
  • how did you hook that in to your computer i would like to know how if you could tell me
  • ya boy!!!

    rockin it
  • Sounds good Brian. Nice playing. I'm with Sam, I'd like to see some close ups of your guitar - fretboard etc.
  • Great riff! I like the mix of fretless fingerwork and slide.
  • Nice!
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