Bad Finger Railroad

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Someone mentioned picturing themselves hoboing down a track on one of my previous videos so I thought I'd give a try to something that closer to a railroad sound and this is what fell out. Still practicing and refining this one, but it is starting to capture the feeling.Sawzall guitar with twin humbuckers. This guitar could have been yours. :) Going off to Chicago.

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  • Thanks turtlehead!

    This guitar shipped to Chicago today. Hopefully have some video at the end of the week.

    I really love these guitars and I love to make them.
  • You'll have to fight my 7 year old daughter for her ukulele, RTZ. She's small, but mean. Careful.
  • I don't want that one I want the kitty one on the wall.


  • I love it, Clock!
  • 306431372?profile=original

  • Thanks Doc!

  • Love that whistle sound.
  • Thanks Mr. melo.  I'm actually recording in my 1000 sq. ft. basement - the bunker.  I occupy a small corner as my winter workshop when it is too cold to work outside.  

    Oh,and lots of reverb from the amp.

    Speaking of acoustics, I don't miss living in Boston after this winter, but I do miss the factory loft with concrete walls and 14' high ceilings for recording.

  • Thats a meaaannnnnn train it!!!..i cant believe the sound you get with it:) good acoustics in such a little

  • Thanks Uncle John.  To my ear, it sounds much better on my resonator guitar, but I was playing this one last night before crating it up for shipment.

    The volume pot was just added to the guitar and when  I was screwing around before recording, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get to really overdrive with both the buckers.  Watching this video, I see I only have to volume pot on about 4 or 5.   Haha.

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