Bad Finger PSA

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Bad Finger Guitars 3 string cigar box guitar

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  • 306485972?profile=original

  • Yup!

  • 306486365?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 306485083?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Ahhhh Wolfie coolforever music Meeeowwwwwwww^..^)))))((((((////

  • (•‿-)

  • indeed  ,  that tv    ad   relates  to  cbg addiction  too   ;-)

     lol  ..  gee  ,,  you are so  addicted  ,  you  even  re-purposed   the ad  ;-)

  • This yours?

    No, I...

    Your mother says she found it in your closet.

    I dunno, one of the guys must of...

    Must of what?

    Look dad, it's not what...

    Where did you get it?

    Dad, I...

    Answer me! Who taught you how to do this stuff?

    You, alright! I learned it by watching you!

  • LOL!   Another funny title.  Well, maybe not funny if the finger is 'pointed'  at you.  Sounding good, Clockster.   Fun comments down there below.    

  • thanX, y'all!!!

  • Another great song, Clock.  :)

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