Back on the road - take three

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@bug a bug original song@ 407BUG(Inspired and dedicated to Mr Clock, after seeing some of his very long driving videos..)If you like this (which you probably don't)then check out my compendium of buginess..A lifetime of unusual peculiar creativity from home made instruments... in the shackOne way TrackHoboing my way back homeDon't take life too seriousThey get progressively worse as you go down the list :>)But you can't buy them anywhere else... perhaps a good present for someone you hate?or you need a headache?or maybe you have just taken something mind warpingly good to go with it ..or you can just listen for free and scratch your head and wonder...Have fun.. I do!

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  • Thanks Bug. I'm a patient man and it looks like you've been busy in the Bug Studio.

  • Jim im still trying to perfect those pickups... so dont give up hope quite yet

  • Yup, I'm listening for free and scratchin' my head in wonderment. Good rockin' Bug!

  • 306561503?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • ;-)

  • :)  

  • 306562541?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • The original not quite a record version...

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