Ashokan Farewell

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Nasty version of a lovely tune on my homemade biscuit tin guitar.

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  • Thanks Anders,

    I was really pleased how it turned out. I'm still getting used to playing a 3 string, which has been a little strange after 20 years used to 6 strings.

  • Cheers guys.

  • Fabulous tune, loved it on the Ken Burn's Documentary too. Nice one mate, what a nostalgic tone. Look forward to your next video

  • Did not hear one nasty thing on that tin!

  • Vinyl, I  have unconventional fret preference too.  We try to find what works and what we like.  Yours sure works good here.

  • Thanks folks.

    Mark - I originally fretted it like a dulcimer, but didn't take to it, so I filled in the gaps. I can't really remember why didn't continue the frets all the way down. I'd say it was conscious decision to limit it to the pentatonic in it's higher register, absolutely nothing to do with me getting bored of fretting.

  • That's great. I love the sound and your playing. Nothing nasty about that at all.

  • Nothing nasty about that - sounds great.
    (PS. looks like an interesting fret arrangement atthe top end)
  • I love that tune and your guitar sounds great, well done!


  • I think this is lovely.  Really like the tone from the tin also.

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