Anytime At All: 2-String Violin Chugger Cigar Box Guitar

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Sling the Beatles . . . Again! Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: CBG Songbook.pdf...

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  • Thanks for watching Kale and Uncle John! I never cease to be amazed at how doable the Beatles songs become on a mere 2-string instrument with 1-finger chords and they are such a delight to be able to,play.

  • Always good to see The Slingers pulling off a Fab4 tune. It's amazing how well some of them translate to a chugger.

  • Good to hear this one again.

  • Thanks for the seal of approval Alan! Love playing the classic Beatles songs. They are just fun to do.

  • Big Roll Up of Slingers for a Classic Beatles Song, "Well Done Guys & Gals :-)

  • You are most welcome BrianQ! The early Beatles tunes do tend to take us back, don’t they.

  • Early Beatles is welcome any time slinger’s, thanx for the memories :)

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