And now for something completely different...

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A little taste of Foggy Mountain Breakdown on my 1970's Baldwin Ode

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  • Very clean quick nice...great... lookin at one of your videos one more time...

    tune too short just because I love it...THANKS!!!!...°<[:-) [---]==={ 

  • That was great, Nightowl.
  • Night Owl - you've gone and done it again! Great video - AMAZING TALENT!!! Thanks for playin' for us!!! Best, MM
  • I know where to come to get my banjo fixes! LOL...........I took lessons a year and as much as i love the banjo, decided it is better to admire great banjo players, instead even try to "go there"..(my fingers not quick enuf) I miss the banjo, had to sell mine to fund life---(that was a truly stoopid thing to do, kickin' myself ever since)...cheers to you, NightOwl, the ladies hipped me to search you out....
  • Hollowbelly that's hilarious!
  • Faster pussycat-KILL!!  KILL!!
  • Faster! Faster!
  • uh WOW!!!..blown away by that playing!!!!
  • You guys are great! Thanks so much!
  • Fantastic!!! love to be able to play that....
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