amy and crow perform bush's comedown!

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amy is now picking up the drums to play along while i perform, and she's never played an instrument before, and she's doing fantastically well! i'm very proud of her!performed with:-homemade "uncle crow style" three string cigar box slide guitar with eye bolt tuners-all black djembe-tambourine worn anklet-style around amy's footthanks for watching! more duo videos to come, as i am very excited to have some percussion to accompany me!!have a great day, and keep building and playing, and show the world what you discover, you never know who you will inspire next!!!

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  • Cool. I like mix of "primitive" instruments but a contemporary song. Great job!

  • I like that a lot. You work well together and I'm looking forward to more from the duo.

  • good job guys! before we got into a rock band together i used to hit a djembe for my brother in law. it was considerably smaller than yours and instead of a tamborine i kept an egg shaker in one hand

  • Nicley done.

  • Very nicely played Amy!   see need for cigar box guitar "widows" - get 'em to join in! (-:

  • You guys sound great. Wish I could get a percussion section like that!

  • thanks so much for the support guys!!

  • Nice.  The percussion really adds to this.  Nice!

  •   Nice , Crow .  I always like your covers !  The percussion section of your orchestra sounds good too . 

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