All day long the blood red sky - Bugs alternative Eurovision song!

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Country Girl CBG , trying to sing quietly (oh dear)Bug Lyrics (c) 2015:All day long the sun beats downBut I'm out of luck in this dirty old townApril and full fat 20 degree cDriving down coast roads, no one but meDriving Down coast roads, no one but meSun sets in a far away skyYellow to orange on a hill so highRoads are up and then they're downHazy misty sea fog surroundsMan flies high in a para glider aboveRiding the thermals from the sun's loveGreen fields lush, rapseed yellowman with a gun a single fellowFar across the hills the single roads runOff across the valley and into the sunThe radiant heat of the day falls downAs the sun travels into the groundWhat a day of glory and funAway from life so brutally unsungBack to the place where peace beganUnder the night of the blood red sununder the night of the blood red sun

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  • Thanks Steve

  • good one bug.............

  • EUROVISION !! Better grow a beard and go shopping for a dress and some slingbacks !

    Don't do it Bug......stick to CBG blues !

  • Cheers Andries

  • Diamond in the Rough !

  • Thanks guys and gals
  • 306440777?profile=original

  • Great lyrics Buggy wow very impressive once again!!!!! Terrific beat!!!! Meeowwwwww^.^306439997?profile=original

  • I like these lyrics and Bug sound. 

  • Good tunes Bug!!!! :>)

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