Alex Clare - Too Close - acoustic three string slide cigar box guitar cover

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Don't ever let your limited resources stop you.I made this guitar with a $1 cigar box and a stick of wood, and play it with a slide. Nothing can keep you from making music if you really want to.This is Too Close, originally by Alex Clare, and being a dub-step song originally, I'm rather proud to have figured out a three string alternative by ear only. I know it's not the best performance you'll ever hear, but I would love to see others pick up this primitive instrument and do more covers with me!Thanks for watching! Keep building and record everything you do, you never know who you'll inspire next!!!!

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  • ¬_¬

  • I am a bit awed that you can do that on a fretless 3.   Well done.

  • Thanks for all the comments and support guys! Yeah i was really proud to have figured out this progression on my own. however once i had posted the video i saw that tons of other people including the original artist had already posted acoustic versions and it looked like they play the song in B while i play in E. now that ive tried it i actually find it easier to sing in the key of B anyways. the progression is the same it just gets moved down by five semitones. Keep rockin guys!
  •  Another great cover !    When I come close to playing anything by ear there's a lot of dumb luck involved .  Songs I cover are "wrong" ,  but I call it "my" cover and move on !      Good ear , Crow !

  • Hmmmm....great sounding CBG man.

  • nicely done Crow! (-:

  • nice playin , Alex and sangin

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