4 String Cookie Tin Guitar / Dobro Slide Thing Jam

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An example of the 4 string fretless 'thing' with a Cookie Tin body that I put together over the first couple of weeks of April 2010. Tuned to E-B-E-b with a Piezo Transducer taped to the inside. I had originally thought about making something similar to a fretless mountain banjo, but at some point I always pull out the slide. I really like the first 40 or so seconds of this video, it's kind of a frantic mess as you can hear the 'thing' being knocked out of tune (that's why I added the second part of the video, to show that it can stay somewhat in tune). If I had it to do over again I would have used better tuning gears, but even with its shortcomings this 'thing' is a blast to jam on.

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