3 String Cigar Box Guitar

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Please comment and subscribe! Here is a demo of a 3 string cigar box guitar that I built. Instead of the usual sound demo, did a live two piece blues song in...

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  • Nice looking build and sounds good.

  • Thank you all! Thanks Maddog! Look forward to it Chuck, and thank you Dave Lynas. I was thinking the same thing looking at your music spot (; Cheers!

  • Yes Sir...nice git, nice demo and wonderful setting. Trifecta in my book ;-)

  • I'll look forward to it and will get in touch next time I head down your way.
  • Wonderful demo Jason! Beautiful guitar and drummer! You live in a paradise.
  • Thanks Chuck! My mother is from Gulfport, so that hay have something to do with it. If I pass through Clackamas sometime though let's grab coffee.

  • Cool, nice CBG

  • Cool playing, Eugene is a long ways away from Como but I'd say you got a little bit of Mississippi hill country in your blood.
    Nice to see another OR builder/player out there.
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