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2ed 3 string G-Tar

Views: 175
2ed 3 string G-Tar

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  • Beautiful build, love the organic feel! That neck might be wide for a "hand behind" style: maybe it is a Dobro in disguise ;)
  • if you think the action's too high just play it lap style.
  • lets git to jammin on that baby!
  • I got an old elm tree limb that is dryed and seasoned I'm going to put on an old wood amo box for the neck. I'll put a bass PU on a couple of strings and a humbucker on the rest of strings should get areal neat funky patina outa the whole thing. Put a bass amp on the bass strings and reg. guitaramp on the rest, sorta Lowbow style-my fall project. I want it to look primal style like what you build with markers but no fretts-should look totally inspired.
  • The board for the neck is a board of a old Futon, the next 3 or 4 string I am going to do I am going to carve the hole thing. It sounds good but I think the bridge is to high or some shit because when I push down on the strings it don't sound like I think it should but it plays nice with a slide or open strings. I want to put up a video when I put in the pezo trans .You all have been a big help with this and I want to thank you all, some of the comment are grate coming from you all ...I see your work and its all very nice stuff man.
  • Is that a board or a like -tree limb you used for the neck?
  • Nice again, I like these cause they have primitive look, like somebody in Africa built them.
  • Completely sweet Guitar. How does it sound?
  • Well when are you gonna play it? Its gotta sound nice.... Let us hear what it sounds like. Cheers.
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