2013 New Years Day Swamp Breakfast

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2013...New Years Day Yum Yums....can Pick's Empire and swamp fan club............... drive Mr Fender and Mrs Gibson out of town ? ...Perhaps with a little help from a fury friendSwampfretting around on#No1 White Witch

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  • Bug,

    Happy New Swamp Year! You need to market me a buggy Tee. Black, XXL.
  • Thanks Nancy Kat, and Sir Pick...

  • Spectacular Bug!! W.W. is powerful! Meowwwww ^^305951833?profile=original

  • well  ..  when  making  the first  swamp witch     in  design  ..  i  did the same thing   .. and tested   multi  pups    ..  that  one  ,  combined  with my secret    heat tratment  ..  and  its     low  profile     fit  the  bill    hands down   .

    so in  essence ,  it  has   passed  an unscientific pickup test  already  .

  • "has"

    (sorry.. typing too fast again)

  • Ha Ha ...yes it had..... South Paw

    In fairness the Swampwitch came out very well in my unscientific pick up test....

    .....so ya never know?

    Thanks Wes and Diglydog too

  • Its got snap crackle and pop my man ;-)

  • Be careful what you wish for, plans for world domination often come off the rails in some style.


  • 305946912?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • lol  ..   now  that was a riot   man  ..    thanx for the    first  hearty   smile  of  the  year  !  :-D

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