Shane Speal's Top 10 Beliefs in Homemade Music
  1. I believe the greatest honor you can give a piece of wood is to make it sing.
  2. I believe that playing an instrument made by your own hand connects you at a deeper level than anything bought at a store.
  3. I believe that sometimes crude & simple instruments play better than ones with all the bells and whistles.
  4. I believe that bells and whistles have their place on stage.
  5. I believe that musical instruments also serve as props on stage.
  6. I believe concerts should be visual as much as sonic.
  7. I believe "grit" is a guitar tone worth attaining.
  8. I believe the essence of old blues music can be found in an empty cigar box.
  9. I believe the greatest advancements in the cigar box guitar music happen when builders and players hang out over BBQ and cold beer, showing off their instruments to each other (and not when they're watching concerts). 
  10. I believe the world needs a new Alan Lomax.  



We're still way under our $7500 Indiegogo goal for the next album. There's only 17 days to go.  Snag a download, t-shirt or even book a private show.  Pictured above: The most popular perks in the campaign have been concert-used guitars from Shane's vault.  He just added this experimental "Five String Cheater."

Indiegogo Campaign
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  • "I believe the world needs a new Alan Lomax" - Amen, my brother! He/she is out there somewhere, I hope. I have a guest bedroom, and I can supply meals, some beers and a way point to circle back to on that long quest into antiquity and modern times...

  • I like Matthew's rule number four: «I believe acoustic CBG separates the men from the boys», thumbs up! I don't agree with «Unplugged, a cigar box guitar isn't all that impressive: the sound is tinny, the volume is low... it is definitely a home-made, folk instrument»: what else?

  • Nice.

  • I'm with you on almost all of these. Some of the best concerts I've ever attended never used anything as a prop. But I certainly enjoy your visual shows and your use of a prop/drop CBG. I'm 100% with you on #10 and I often play actual bells and whistles when I'm on stage! 

  • 1. I believe 3 strings can teach you what you can leave out of a song

    2. I believe that simplicity is the essence of good design, both in building and in playing

    3. I believe the same energy that builds a CBG builds friendships and families

    4.I believe acoustic CBG separates the men from the boys

    5.I believe more than 3 chords is too many

    6. I believe CBGs should struggle to remain affordable to the working stiffs

    7. I also believe those incredible  and Lovingly built High end CBG's are worth what the builders ask for them.

    8. I believe children should be issued a CBG at birth.

    9. I believe anyone who masters the playing of one of these guitars is not afraid of their own blood.

    10. like the Greeks I believe the Gods do all things perfectly, we did not need to stop at the CBG but we could have.

  • I like your beliefs, but might add a few more:

    1) "I believe I'll have another" is only a good idea AFTER the gig, and before you reach 4.
    2) I believe fewer notes are better. It is impressive to shred, but should serve the song.
    3) I believe 1 string will lead you to 3, then to 4, and sometimes, 6.
    4) I believe simpl is good. But Inalso believe in tasty complexity.
    5) I believe anyone can play these instruments.
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