My 10 Ten Reasons To Play A CBG


My Top 10 Reasons For Playing The Cigar Box Guitar

10. Playing a CBG saves you money on strings.

09. No huge guitar case to lug around. Which means more room in my back seat. Which means more people can go on the musical adventure.

08. Doesn't need a capo so you can use the capo for a barrette as it was intended to be used in the first place.

07. Since they are so small you can collect three cbg's to every one regular guitar :)

06.  Doubles as a travel guitar.

05. Discreetly stores your smokes, cigars or other smokeables.  And since no one ever looks in the obvious place, it's always safe.

04. When you play cbg on the street corner, people throw you money. One guy even asked me how the local homeless shelter was? To bad I really didn't know. I would have liked to answer his question, he seemed nice enough.

03. CBG Instantly tells you what a guys IQ is. "Is that a cigar box?" ( clears throat, "idiot")

02. Unlike normal guitars it don't smash your boobs. It tucks safely near your tummy letting those puppies breath.

and the #1 reason is....

01. As with all the best things in life there are no right's or wrong's, it's all just fun.

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  • Love it :)

  • lol

  • Well said, Jim- other than the lies about me!

  • Well obviously Uncle John don't need a CBG for a chick magnet. I mean- look at the guy- he probably has to fight them off! But for me it doesn't matter if the instrument is Cigar Box, Cookie Tin, Salad Bowl or what have you, the satisfaction of playing music on a homemade instrument, out of stuff lots of folks put in the trash, just can't be matched. I like the fact that it opens peoples minds up to possibilities they hadn't thought of. I also like to thumb my nose at "experts" who think it has to be done a certain, prescribed way. It also opens my mind up! And to us  folks of a certain age who have friends our age starting to show signs of Alzeimer's or just plain mental fatigue, brain games like making instruments is great therapy. I don't know if that was ten reasons but it gives me a good reason to get up in the morning!

  • A little relief from the tyranny of thought.
  • Good topic and discussion.   Well, obviously, I play because CBG players are chick magnets. 

    That and there is nothing better than making music on an instrument I made myself.  

    Add in that I play better on 3 strings than anything else - even though I am making some small gains on 4s and 6s. 

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