starter (2)

Hi there! Sorry if I mispelled something, I am learning english.

I am new to the world of the CBG's and well, yesterday I just finish my first cbg and I though it was OK, but then I start to try to learn the basics but it was impossible! I don't get the same sound of all the other cbg's!

I order the CBGITTY starter pack and I just made it, I didn't use the nut and bridge that the pack had because I though it was very high (I play bass and a little guitar so I though it would be very high!). I put the tailpiece in the box, not in the bridge, I don't know how to say that, but for that are the images. I tune in OPEN G and my digital tuner tunes ok, but I think those tuning pegs are just horrible, they don't stay in tune, I THINK, or maybe I am doing something wrong.

It's electro-acoustic with a piezoelectric pickup and electric as acoustic the sound is different from other cbg's around youtube and other places.

  1. Do you think I must put the bridge and nut from cbgitty?
  2. The action is low or high?
  3. My amp is a cbgitty's one, volume and tone, I play acoustic guitar no electric so I bought a nice OLIVA gitty's amp, THAT COULD BE A PROBLEM IN ACHIEVING THE DESIRE SOUND?
  4. Is pretty dificult to get the OPEN G tuning because a slightly turn in a tuning key and the G or D is GONE!! THE TUNERS COULD BE A PROBLEM?
  5. What must be the note that goes in the first fret of the neck? Iam getting a B flat in the G's and in the D string an F sustained (I DONT KNOW IS THAT WHAT IS CALLED IN ENGLISH a "bemol" and a "sostenido").






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Hi there people!

I am in a new proyect in doing a 6 string 3/4 scale CBG, and I am almost done.

One single coil and a piezo for that electric and acouctic sound, but I am in a dilema.  HOW TO USE THIS SWITCH IN THIS DIAGRAM FROM TED CROCKER?

I know there is a switch in cbgitty that is the same as the one in the picture,but is golden hahahaha and all my hardware is chrome :P

Another question is: In what position while be good to put the singlecoil? I know is prewired ;) I will just put the switch and all the other patrts :D


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