new (6)

After a long Lockdown and finally loosing my job, I have finally got around to finishing my latest Album

Bug's new Album - The Bugshack - Homemade Music for old films:

Please feel free to listen for free or donate to help me survive a little longer.

"Have Cheers and Some Beers here is some Bug music to Hurt your ears!"

I hope everyone is well and hanging in there...


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Album Notes
Cigar Box Guitar and classical music met again after 150 years!

In the middle of XIX century there were musicians who classical pieces performed on homemade instruments such as Cigar Box Guitar. But, unfortunately, there are no records of these unique 
performances did not survive. How do sounds classical music of the Renaissance on cigar box guitar? 

"Das Wohltemperirte Cigar Box Guitar" Album ( translation: Well-Tempered sigar box guitar ) was recorded in a home studio by Eugene Nemov. 

The list of works you will see all the familiar songs and names of composers such as Franz Shubert, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Albinoni and names of familiar music lovers Renaissance: Pascal Bouquet and Francesco da Milano.

Pascal Bouquet - French lutenist, he lived in XV-th century. Pascal Bouquet composed many excellent works for lute and baroque guitar. Musical notations this musician survived to this day. "Brande des Hermites" and "Volte Praetorius" - it's two works from the collection of popular dances of France, Pascal Bouquet written specifically for learning to play the lute. 

Francesco Canova da Milano (Italian Francesco Canova da Milano) - Italian Renaissance lute, one of the major European composers XVI veka.Franchesko Canova da Milano is one of the best composers of lute music, and possibly greatest lute virtuoso of all time. His work, and the amazing beauty of a consistently high level, and are often performed today. 

Just the album includes two copyright works Eugene Nemov - "French dance" and "English dance". They are written in a popular style of lute music of the Renaissance .

All works have been performed at 3-string classic guitars from cigar boxes, made by Eugene Nemov. Description and images of these instruments You can see on the site and personal Evgeny Nemov page on the ;


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new kid on the block

Hi everyone

I'm not really used to this "Ning" thing, and I still have to discover how things work
on here, so I don't know where I need to post a presentation of myself on this forum...
ok, let's try here :D

After a long time at reading and listening to Cigar Box Nation, I finally took
time to register and create a profile on the forum :-)

Little Big One

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About our upcoming album: FLOOD

Music has the power to transport us: to carry us to mysterious places and explore new worlds.

On Flood,Moreland & Arbuckle's debut release on Telarc International, adivision of Concord Music Group, the rootsy, hard-driving group fromKansas takes music itself to places it's never been. Featuring mostlyoriginal tunes, Flood presents a dynamic mix of thirteenacoustic and electric songs, each performed with all the subtlety of apassing freight train.

Ever since guitarist Aaron Moreland firstmet singer/harpist Dustin Arbuckle at an open mic jam in Wichita in2001, Moreland & Arbuckle have established themselves as a force tobe reckoned with. Along with Brad Horner on drums, the group featuresMoreland playing everything from National steel to a cigar box guitar,and Arbuckle singing and playing harmonica.

Moreland &Arbuckle are traditionalists and innovators at the same time, mergingold school Chicago and Delta blues with garage rock sensibilities.While Arbuckle was mostly influenced by the Mississippi blues,traditional country music and bluegrass, Moreland grew up listening toeveryone from Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath to Charlie Patton andMuddy Waters.

Unconfined by convention, Moreland attributesthe group's growing popularity to their unique sound andinstrumentation. He says, "Going three-piece, we have a greatchemistry."

Guitar Edge magazine wrote, "The pride of Kansasplays Hill Country stomps like his life depends on it." The EdmontonJournal calls Moreland & Arbuckle "one of the more inspiring youngacts putting a new shine on music rooted in a century-old tradition."

Moreland& Arbuckle's previous release, 1861, won the Indie Acoustic Project2008 CD of the Year Award. The band recently performed for U.S. troopsin Iraq and Kuwait. "I didn't imagine the trip to Iraq would be sogrueling," Arbuckle says. "But it was an amazing experience to shareour music with the soldiers. It really did exemplify the powerfulspirituality and healing element that music possesses."

"Beinga musician is the ultimate job," says Moreland. "What I realize is thatmusic has always been one of the most important things in my life. Intough times, it was the one thing I could always turn to."

"WhenI was in my teen years, I never had any direction," Arbuckle says. "Butmusic was a central feature in my life. It's powerful and compelling,and it's given me purpose."

Moreland & Arbuckle haverecently completed tour dates with Jonny Lang, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray,Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Johnny Winter.
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LEAVING MISS BLUE is coming back!

Hey ALL - I wanted to let you all know that Leaving Miss Blue is coming back! For those that don't know who we are, check out for our old page; a new, improved one is coming within a couple of weeks. And, some history:We're from Chattanooga, TN, and play, basically, rock. Thanks to a "birthday" gift (given to me at my father-in-law's birthday party), being a Lowebow, we have started to redefine how rock music can be played. I got together with Tater, a guitarist and washboard player, found a drummer, and began. Since 2005, we've had the great pleasure of playing over 200 shows, including the 2007 CBG Fest in Huntsville, opening for Kansas, Col. Bruce, MOFRO, and a host of others. Unfortunately, due to my moving out of town in 2008, we had to stop. But, now I'm back, and we're trying again to conquer the traditional rock world with our version of "Soulbilly Primrock".There has been one lineup change, though: Tater will not be coming back, for personal reasons. Instead, we have recruited Alex Condra, who is an exceptional guitarist, and will be sure to add extreme versatility to our sound.We are planning to have a record finished within 2 months, and ready to distribute in 3. Touring to follow regionally, UNLESS someone wants us to play somewhere else. If you're interested in doing a show together, let me know, and we'll work something out.I would like to thank Shane for this page, and keeping up with this movement; it has meant a lot to us to be able to express ourselves in such a genuine form. Thanks, Shane. And to John for building an awesome instrument (I am still thinking of getting another one...just saving up for it!). As for the rest of you, keep it up!Feel free to send me a message if you like. Until then, keep rockin"!!Will, CBG-istLeaving Miss Blue
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New the Site, but Enjoying what I'm Seeing

This is the first blog entry of my entire life! I just started my first CGB project last night and hope to get some pictures up as soon as I can. My next project is to build a CGB amp. There a dozen ways to do it, so hopefully I'll find the right plan for me. I am going to use a cube shaped cigar box to enclose the 3" speaker and the electronics. I haven't worked with electronics in long while so this should be a hoot!What draws me to the CGB is the simplicity of the concept, the sound that a CGB can put out, the ability to create something cool from what some people might throw away, and the chance to interact with others with a common interest.I have been blown away at some of the intricate designs that others have produced. My initial goal is to produce a playable guitar that is playable and cool to show my friends and family. Then I hope to make some guitars for my three sons for their enjoyments. After that, I'll see where this "hobby" takes me. I like the combination of the creative, technical, and musical challenges that the CGB culture brings together. Thanks to all those who have influenced my first design without knowing it and thanks in advance for all of the advice I'll be seeking during my builds.Marco Loco
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