Three brand new lessons for playing the Blues, tasteful slide guitar & getting the best tones from your cigar box guitars.

NEW TODAY:  Quick Blues Lick of the Week:  The T-Shape Riff   A seriously badass slide-blues riff that uses shapes to explain it...not chords or music theory!  Another great way to kickstart your collection of blues riffs.

Tasteful Hammer-On Techniques:  This is a simple playing style that will develop your rhythmic playing. I use this all the time in concert in various ways. Here's the foundations of the style, broken down in one easy video.

THE BEST ACOUSTIC PICKUP for cigar box guitar...and the simple method of installing it:    I've played every sort of piezo-equipped cigar box guitar over the last two decades and this setup beats them all.  It's what I use in my new line of guitars...and I'll never go back! 


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My first solo build - and first post

After designing a few CBGs and lap diddley bows that my husband brought to life with power tools, I made my first solo creation this week, and I'm smitten with my guitar style diddley bow. 


While I've made 2 lap diddley bows and 4 CBGs with 3 strings with my husband on the power tools and me on design, this is the first one I've made on my own and first one with a round neck. The pickup is a piezo disc pickup pre-wired to a jack from cbgitty.com. I used 1/8" pop rivets for string ferrules, a Ping tuner, 1" pine dowel, a craft box (I know some purists may be annoyed by that), a slotted screw for the nut, a lamp nipple for the bridge, and tarp grommets for the sound hole covers. I sawed the dowel with a hand saw for creating flats for the tuner, then I used a drill with regular bits and Forstner bits for all the rest. 

I've been a hobby guitarist for 16 years, but I'm totally new to slide guitar. This is so fun! I love the simplicity, and there is something amazing about playing music on an instrument you made yourself.

This video is a demo of a diddley bow (1 string cigar box guitar or CBG) I made on 12/30/15. https://youtu.be/vNHkUX8UAJI ;

I had to turn off the Christmas tree lights while using the Mustang amp because they were causing some electromagnetic interference and creating an annoying hum on the amp. Most of the music I played I learned from Juston Johnson tutorials. The long song I played was based on a tune by Elmore James.


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We recently posted this Instructable describing how to install a Cortado balanced-out pickup in a banjolele. This pickup runs into a little circuit that balances the signal and matches the impedance to a mixing console -- similar to a preamp or active DI. The instrument plugs straight into a mic line. (The console has to provide phantom power to the circuit.) This provides much wider bandwidth and higher signal-to-noise than you usually get from a piezo pickup.

In short, we simply removed the sound board, stuck the piezo to the head below the bridge, stuck the shielded circuit to the inside of the instrument with Velcro, stuck the mic jack to the outside, and replaced the sound board.



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Hi there people!

I am in a new proyect in doing a 6 string 3/4 scale CBG, and I am almost done.

One single coil and a piezo for that electric and acouctic sound, but I am in a dilema.  HOW TO USE THIS SWITCH IN THIS DIAGRAM FROM TED CROCKER?


I know there is a switch in cbgitty that is the same as the one in the picture,but is golden hahahaha and all my hardware is chrome :P

Another question is: In what position while be good to put the singlecoil? https://www.cbgitty.com/cubecart/pre-wired-6-string-single-coil-pickup-harness-with-volume-and-tone-pots.html I know is prewired ;) I will just put the switch and all the other patrts :D


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Gifted or gifts

Ok, we can become obligated to much to quickly.

That friend I way underpriced that build for is waiting his guitar. He told me today he knew he was getting a real bargan. He ain't no fool. So tonight I started cutting sound holes and the drill bit snagged, tore out a hole. Have to find all the little pieces and glue then back in, and tomorrow when all is dry cut it out by hand. However, I soldered in the Double Piezo pickups, one under the bass strings and one under the high string, with volume control for each pickup. Never did a double before and never a wired in volumn control. Halleleau it worked after a lot of frustration with the soldering iron.

I an putting in a lot more time in the build than I should be for the return - but sating myself with pride, learning experience, advertisement, all that stuff we bolster our selves with when we bit off more than we aim to chew.

I go up stair to eat between frustrations and the dear wife who has fixed a marvelous dinner looks at me and says, "Christmas is comming up". She pauses, "You could build a guitar for your daughter". We have a daughter Glenwood Springs Colorado who runs Sunshine Mtn. Inn with her husband. I can hook you up, it is on a ski resort. Also they have a lot of hunters and in the summer weddings and rafters, bikers, and groups. Anyway, the daughter sings and plays anything she sets her mind to.

"And Clayton", daughter's husband, "a banjo". He wants to learn, Daughter bought him a banjo he has not worked with, he is a busy busy man - never slows down. But if he had a CBG type banjo, maybe?

Then there is our son, he is learning to play guitar. He sings, is in a band and all that, has set in with some of the big boys and gals. He throws names around all the time. Could make him a guitar for Christmas also.

See how it snow balls? We have not mentioned my brother-in-law, etc, etc, etc, Wonder if she'll get around to them?

You do not want to get to a point the better half can brag on you! That is the danger zone! Ever let them think they have bragging rights and it is over, your goose is cooked, you are officially a commodity they can use for leverage within the family, among friends, and co-workers- even chirch groups.

You replace that streight "A" child, the Athelete Child, the Child with the College Degree, that child with the job that lets them drive around in a Mercades. They need a new angle, a new handle, a new advantage, a new one upper, and you have laid that weapon squarely in their lap.

Now it ain;t all bad. This allows you to spend whatever you need within reason on your "hobby", so long as you produce results once in a while. It means you get your man cave [interpeted shop]. You get to make all kind of noise - yes noise, real noise, mechanical and musical! You can track sawdust all over the house - again within reason. You can buy new tools !!!!!!!

I just cannot list all the perks, and should not, the ladies of the house may read this and get wise to us.

All I can say is make those gifts in between making your toys and one or two to sale to make it seem like you are actually making money with your hobby.  

Do not be afraid to seen marvelously talented to the Better Half. Brag, Wax eloquent, earn those perks - just be aware of the danger zone involved.

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Here is how I do a simple piezo pickup
A trip to Radio Shack will get you the piezo and 1/4 inch mono jack. They are in a drawer case towards the back of the store and most stores usually have them in stock. The piezo you are looking for is the 273-073 and costs 2$ and the jacks are #274-255 and are two for 4 You can also pickup a 25 or 30 watt soldering iron and some fine(thin) rosin core solder here or go to Harbor freight and save some money. Its all chinese junk anyway. If you use a damp paper towel or sponge and keep the soldering iron tip clean it will last a fairly long time.
Keep it tinned (heat the tip and run some solder on it before soldering) Cheaper and easier to wear out a cheap iron and replace unless you're going into business. Do NOT tighten up the little screws on the barrel too tight as they hold the heating element in. Do not remove these screws and pull as it will junk the iron. (common mistake) Give the iron lots of time to heat up. It might take it ten or more minutes to come up to temp. This is normal for a low watt iron and you certainly don't need more watts. Too big an iron will burn the insulation off and melt plastic not to mention stink. Speaking of stink, ventilation is good as the fumes are not very healthy to breathe. (just a small fan blowing across you will do the trick)
If you go to Harbor Freight you can pickup a "helping hand" for only four bucks. (11$ at Radio Shack) and also save considerable on the solder and soldering iron.
Here are the URL's
soldering iron 5$
solder 3$
Helping Hands 4$
The 273-073 piezo comes suspended in a plastic case as its original purpose is to be a buzzer. Since we want it to pickup the sound from our guitar and send it to our amplifier it needs to come out of the case. I have put together a picture story line to illustrate this. I take a pair of pliers and grasp the ear on one side of the case -squeeze and snap the ear and a piece of case off. You have two ears so two chances to get a good hole in the box to pry the top off with. I insert a pocket knife tip or small screwdriver in and slide it right under the plastic top so it misses the piezo completely - then pry the top up and it will pop right off. Careful the Piezo is suspended in there but its close to the top. Then stick a blunt small screw driver in the hole in the bottom of the case and gently push up. The piezo will pop right out with very light pressure. DO NOT BREAK IT by applying to much pressure. Easy does it. Now you can strip the insulation off the wire back a bit and twist the the strands into a single smooth wire. Insert it in the jack and twist it up tight so there is a half decent mechanical connection black goes to the center ring ground terminal on the jack and red goes to the lug that leads to the tall center pin part. Once twisted up tight plug the iron in and let it heat for ten or fifteen minutes. Tin the tip by melting a small amount of solder on it. Stick the tip in the hole on the jack and wait a few seconds then touch the solder to the tip where it came thru the hole and or to the wire itself. The tip heats up the parts to be soldered and then the solder "runs" up the wire and into the joint. If its done correctly it will all be silvery smooth and fairly quick. If the joint is not hot enough you will get a cold solder connection which is BAD. You do NOT melt the solder and drip it onto the wire or terminal. If the wire and terminal are hot enough the solder wicks up the wire as it melts - nice smooth and strong. Its not necessary to add wire to the ones I have built nor to put any switches in the circuit. I mount mine to the neck as it goes thru the box close to the bridge - I use foam mounting tape that sticks the brass side of the piezo to the neck - I use two pieces side by side to get it wide enough and then cover the top with two more pieces side by side to cover and buffer the piezo. This makes a nice clean installation and its extremely strong. Its also really buzz free. The foam mounting tape is double sided "Duck" brand 3/4 inch by 22 ft and 1.5 inches holds a quarter pound. Mounting the jack to the box typically makes me drill two holes - a larger one half way thru the box then a smaller one all the way thru. I have not had good luck keeping these tight enough yet and intend to use gel super glue liberally on the next installs to see if that will help.
When I get time I will put together another blog to illustrate how to double these piezos up reduce the impedance to closer to what a standard amp wants to see. Basically they are wired in parallel so that each set of leads goes back to the jack - so it would be a pair of reds and a pair of blacks coming back to the jack to use double piezos. Series doubles the impedance and parallel halves it. Parallel has a very desirable reduction in impedance. Another subject worth exploring is shielding the leads by wrapping copper foil around the wires and grounding back to the ground lug. This stuff is a bit tricky and care needs to be taken not to set up any ground loops. I need to take more pictures to correctly illustrate this.
Hope this all helps with any amateur soldering and piezo destructing. Comments and questions welcome - Bill

Fresh from Radio Shack, These are in a parts cabinet towards the back of the store. Piezos in one side and jacks in the other. Do not let the kids at radioshack BS you they don't know what is in the store. Almost always in stock. Look for them. 2$ each.

Piezo in plastic buzzer case also removed from case - brass side and ceramic side shown. This is what we want.

The one at the bottom of the picture is busted, I tried to solder the red positive wire back to the ceramic - overheated it and it broke. Probably not worth trying - these also do not bend !!

Grasp the case top and bottom on the edge right at an ear and twist a chunk off. The objective is to break a the edge of the case open so we can remove the top. (without breaking the piezo)

Just got a small bite - its enough though - I can get a screwdriver blade in there and if I needed to I could break the other ear off and get piece of the side too. Two chances to win this game.

Stick a narrow screwdriver or stiff knife blade in there right under the top and pop the top off. Stay close to the top so you don't bend the piezo. Its suspended down a smidge anyway.

And off pops the top. There is the piezo ceramic side up - brass side down. On the other side is a hole to let the buzzing sound out. Perfect to stick a small dowel or screwdriver in and nudge the piezo up. Gently!!

A gentle push up and there is the edge of the piezo, finger food now.

Another shot of the edge of the piezo up where it can be grabbed and the top removed.

The prize - a nice piezo transducer with leads factory soldered on . notice the red positive goes to the ceramic and the black ground goes to the brass base ring

Pair of 1/4 mono jacks - the center ring gets the black ground wire. The tall part contacts the long pin on the cord and it gets the red wire. Thats the left side terminal on the bottom jack.

Jack with leads from piezo soldered on . The black goes to the center ring - these solder joints are too large and would make an electronics tech sneer but they are well done and solid connections if not pretty. You can do this well with a minimum of practice. It works!

All soldered up and ready for a cigar box. No switch is necessary and the leads have been long enough for me to make them work every time so far. Simple down and dirty. There are better ways but no simpler cheaper way and it does work !!

ten dollar soldering station with jack held in extra "hand" This is the four dollar helping hand from Harbor freight - the five dollar soldering iron and the the dollar solder from the local discount store. I am not counting the workbench (scrap shelf board)

Another shot of my soldering rig - keep the tip wiped down with a damp sponge or damp paper towel - keep it tinned. I have never tore one up. Cheap but adequate for this kind of stuff. Probably wouldn't work on a LM386 project but thats a different story.
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Its alive. Its ALIVE!!!

HAH. Electronics does NOT get the best of me -- even when I do STOOPID things.I attempted to build the Ruby preamp from runoffgroove and heh, ground the volume pot and the #3 leg of the LM386 and you have SOUND dumba55...Anyhow. WOW does it work.BUT... you better be prepared to solder well....-Wes
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This site has a lot that could be used by CB builders.Tuners, electronics, piezo film and cable - (to lay in bottom of bridge slot)individual spot pickups suitable for diddly bows,jacks and pots and shielded cable... etc. All in small quantities.fret wire, and tuning machines too...The rest of their site is pretty interesting too.Check them out.http://www.windworld.com/products/catalog.htm#hardware
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