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  • 4981384654?profile=RESIZE_710x4981395476?profile=RESIZE_710x4981427858?profile=RESIZE_710xsome of the tools the builders used back in the day to build there instruments

    and the fryingpan a consept model for testing the amplification of string sound a steel guitar favorit  these days Fender modelled his first Broadcasters after this National consept.

  • Many of you will know some of them ( Cose the name is writen at the bottom) but do you now all of them and what they mean for Guitars & Builders today? The Inventions they did for the requirements of the times they lived in? some of the instruments made for a hole other intension that they are used for today. European Builders that made it big in the New World The U.S of A ,a vast and big new potential of buyers en users. Like whit records in the past and lyricist that got ther credits years after publicing, so to whit the inventors and engineers  of our future.

    Did leo Fender realy come up whit all his ideers like he claims? Or was it Paul Tutmarc from seatle, or maybee Doc Kauffman the inventor of so many beloved Lap Steel !

    Time play tricks on us sometimes, like so many times in the Past,who is who, and how is it made?

    Not that i want to set the record strait ,No just get a point across on how things go ,someone sees a photo and gets inspired and makes a invention to forefill his ideer ,someone els sees it brings it in production and claims the copyrights and makes a millioen ! things in live can have a funny outcome sometimes is it faith is lack of insite naivety ,You Tell me ! is your faith or toll your destiny! Who will say ? someone takes it in there Hands you say and run whit it ! but is that allways the case?  not all ways ! Look at what History Tells us ! So many have gone before us and only a fjew  are know for whot they have accompliced ,and where they only the big screamers ? or the charlatans ? or the honest Hard working Law abiding  Truthfull Builder Inventers? 

    We are open for reaction adapdions contributions and other ideers about the stated words ,above

    Be reading you ,whit kind greeeeetsszz ! A.D.E   BCB  SJP: 2020

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