Wiring finished.

I used some Cherry for my jack plate/access hole. The Cherry came from our backyard when a big storm took the tree down. I'm trying a .033 cap on this one. I got an assortment of caps with diff. values to experiment with off ebay. It's a nice big batch with no two alike.
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  • Well Will, I'm following a wiring diagram that Ted Crocker was very generous in sharing. I was having trouble getting any change in tone with other diagrams i tried. Ted's worked for me and he said "it works for him". I know there are many ways to wire the tone pot as i have seen several ways from collecting many old relics. Especially lap steel guitars. The old ones with huge caps bridged from the tone pot to the volume pot with the cap. I'm getting good results, so this works (Ted's plan). Your way works too. So that's two ways that work....
  • I am not any kind of an expert on wiring, I am only a copy cat, but  on the tone pot, I always put the +feed (red wire on your pic) on the center connection and the cap where you have your red wire.  I only do it that way, because that is how all the ready made store bought rigs, I have, are made.  Does it make a difference?, or are we just making a loop through the pot & cap & back to the volume pot?

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