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  • Hi Dave,

    nice to hear you are getting into spring weather. The War Tubas is not a photo shop job, they were actually listening devices, weird or what! Chris. :)

  • The garden is out from the glaciers of winter at last. Digable. We made our first recon visit to the garden on Easter sunday. Rabbits have eaten 5 of my apple trees. The snow got so deep the rabbits could go over my fences on top of the snow and eat the bark off above where we had wrapped the trees. 4 trees survived with minor damage to limbs sticking out of the trunk wrap. I'll be pruning a lot. If the weather is decent, we may go back up on Wed. We've had two days above 60 degrees f. and the big lake's ice is looking dark and melting. Still snow in deep drifts turned to glacier like flows in our backyard.
  • Some weird and wacky ideas from days gone by Dave, how's the garden mate?

  • I don't know where you find this stuff Chris, but don't stop. I love it all. The War Tubas are awesome!
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