TRE-100 relic rebuild

I'm excited about this one. Wow.
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  • Thanks Chris. i just look on ebay and somehow once in a while a good one shows up that other's don't see value in. I got her very reasonable. I have a very low income as a potter so i can't spend much on these relics. I don't do well at selling them either. Probably never get what i put into them back but i just like doing it and playing them. It will be a while to get this one finished. I've got a build to finish first. And gardening has begun.
  • Where do you find all these ace gits Dave? A real WOW mate,  can't wait to see it finished, all the best, Chris.

  • Thanks Mort, I'll be refinishing the body and neck and trying to get the on board amp working. The pickup seems to work fine via the tap test when plugged into my amp. The neck seems pretty good with a slight back bow which might come out under load. No neck wear on the frets or board. First i've got this box to build for a guy named Mort. :^).... I've been to my woodshed and picked some nice stock....
  • Whoa! Shiiiney! Man that's a crazy design! Love it! Can't wait to see the rebuild, ya do such damn fine resurrection work!
  • Thanks fellas. I haven't opened her up yet. There's a cool chrome sliding cover on the back for the battery. There's a loose 9 volt holder in there but cut wires. I'll explore more soon. For now, i just like looking at it...
  • nice little beltone .

  • dig that crazy pickguard 

  • Like that!

  • (drool   )   ;-)

       ( green  with  envy  ) 


    awsome  score 

  • super cool !

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