Timple elctric 024

The timple is a plucked string musical instrument consisting of 5 strings and is typical and natural in the Canary Islands. In the style of other stringed instruments, especially in South America and the Caribbean, through the Venezuelan timple "acute" Colombian or "four", has a small footprint, about 38-40 inches or menos.Todos have a common root with European Baroque lutes, both proliferated in the eighteenth century.The first news about the construction of this instrument in the islands date back to mid-nineteenth century are usually five strings, although in some cases four strings. The narrow sound box below called convex hump and gives the instrument the name "Camellito sound". It is characterized by a sharp instrument, sound very traditional and whose function is to serve as a companion, but now is gaining special importance, especially through the work of a new set of authors.The strings were of animal gut at first, but now are nylon. The first string and fourth are the most acute, the second and the fifth are more severe and of equal diameter, and the third is the thickest and severe of the five that make up the timple.One could argue that the timple is one of the most representative of the Canarian music, and is closely related to the revelry of pilgrimage and celebration.The timple not the oldest instrument in the islands, but has become a symbol of our tradition sound.Timple comprises different parts:Security: the mouth is the soundboard and the lower deck.Neck or arm, which houses the frets and fingerboard.Tuners: where they are located and the box of pins. Its tuning is:1.RE …..D2.LA.......A3.MI.......E4.DO......C5.SOL....GLinks:http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/TimpleConstruccion:http://construyeuntimplecanario.blogspot.com.es/http://carballoysanfiel.blogspot.com.es/2013/07/fabricacion-de-un-timple-silent.htmlhttp://el-timple-canario.over-blog.es/http://timplesfarina.blogspot.com/http://timplesdealberto.blogspot.com/http://www.timplesds1.blogspot.com/http://www.artesanosramirez.com/index.htm
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