Things that keep me away from building CBG's

Irish bouzouki restoration. I intend to use this one for playing celtic folk together with my girlfriend and one of my sons.
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  • That looks good.  I have not made one yet, but I do play some penny whistle.

  • I haven't tried penny whistles yet, but I have made a couple of PVC flutes. This one is tuned (approximately) in E306517603?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Nice story and fun to play some together.   My true preference in store bought instruments for myself are that they are flawed or damaged but play great.   Now, if I could only play great. 

    Future project for me.  A PVC penny whistle. 

  • LOL, it is a ba-something :) 

    The story is, My wife and I both play music, different styles and we have been living together for 8+ years and never played together. So we were in a celtic music store in the Netherlands to buy a long whistle and an new penny whistle in D for her and I stumbled across these bouzouki's. While she was trying out the whistles, I joined in with the bouzouki. I bought the damaged one because it sounded best. We've been playing Irish tunes together for two weeks now :)

  • Hunh.  I would like to try it and that tuning.   Glad it is so good for you.  

    I am a music expert.  I KNEW it was a ba-something. 

  • Thanks Uncle. The same as an octave mandolin, but actually a long scale Irish bouzouki :-) Tuned to GDAD... Had a badly cracked top, but sounds like a dream. Can't stop playing it.

  • Bew Tee Full.  Tell us about it.  Octave mandolin?  Cittern?  Ba-=something?

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