Swamp Witch has come!

My custom made Swamp Witch has arrived! Pick did a fine job of rustification. Sports a fine Minnesota bike plate pick guard, 1953. I had such a plate as a lad. It came in a Wheaties box. I love the sound this baby provides. Thanks Pick, you're Anonymous.....
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  • ah  ..  ;-)


  • Colaminous Pickle?
  • Ominous Pick?

    Unanimous Pick?

  • Hey Pick, i fixed it with the revise button.. I spelled annonemous wrong... Anonymous... This ones a fine spawn. I've been playing her this evening. Mellow bass tone. I've got her in some minor tuning. My tuner's over at a friends house so it's by ear.
  • Awesome they just keep spawning....

  • ?   lol .. dont  know  what  ya  mean  ,  but  glad  ya  like  it  ;-)


  • Woops, sorry Anonymous, Should have looked before i wrote your monicker. At least i got Pick right..... Thanks for all the cool goodies included too. Wow!
  • 8-O 

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