Sir Paul on the CBG!

Anyone know who built this, cause I sure wish it had been me!!!??Not my photo by the way< I wish!
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  • This is the same guitar featured in that airport pic of Johnny Depp. Depp got it from Matty Baratto, as pick mentions below, and gifted it to Sir Paul, as reported in today's BBC News:
  • Man....what kind of pickup is in that to be on stage.....looks like a lipstick pickup....all i can say is wow.

  • Yeah I am looking at my feet LOL! Point taken, some superb Photo's on your page sir, could I have your permission to take a copy? I retire suitably chastised, have a good Christmas and all the best to you and yours for the new year, Chris. :)

  • Um, look below you...

  • No idea who built it mate but it would have sounded better if you had built it, bet their was no expense spared by the looks of it! Our builds may be more budget conscious and true to their roots sourced from junk but then his bank account and mine are probably a million miles away but one things for sure he did not build it himself or even if he did it has never seen the inside of a skip before it's rebirth mate. The one in the picture that Keith Richards was playing looked more like the real thing and I don't know who built that either except it was not me! Chin up and "keep on keepin on", were doing fine on our own mate. Anyone who does not have a ceegar git made by us does not have the finest and that's for sure, well yours maybe. Be proud of your builds as they are among the finest, I wish I had one of yours. All the best mate and have a very merry Christmas, Chris. :)  

  • builder  is Matty Baratto  from  north  hollywood  .

     he  has     built for a  few  celebs  ..  and is also  a member here  .

    his  creations   include    more than   just cbgs .



  • If this keeps up we are all going to become mainstream.

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