Repurposed 3-String CBG - Chugger Style

I paired up the G strings like on a 12-string guitar, so it’s tuned GgD. Plays like a 2-string chugger with super easy 1-finger chords, but has some of that 12-string vibe.
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  • Thanks Jock! A pair of identical G strings has potential too. I have noticed that 3-string players often have trouble playing the high G cleanly on a bar chord because the string is thinner and the finger is more fleshy. So, I moved the location of the high G and you can do the bar with the pad of the finger. I think it’s easier, but I’ll have to build a righty to let others try it out.

    I have not logged much time on chuggers, but I like this one and plan to play it at our Zoom meeting tonight!

    The frets are brad nails (which are flat) inserted into 3D printed holders and attached with double stick tape! They work pretty good.

  • Nice idea. Those paired strings really give a great sound, Have you considered a pair of identical strings (GG)? It gives a lovely mandolin ring.

    Chuggers are great fun, aren't they. Are those nails for the frets?

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