
Quick fix - a dab of super glue, paper towel, and electricians tape. Back to work.
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  • DG, you're the pioneer of sharing the "entire build experience." Just followin' your lead ;)

    (my pride hurt more than the slice - I knew it was gonna happen and I did it anyway...)
  • thats one nice field dressing my friend, if I had a nickel for everytime I had to do that I could afford some bandaids.
  • Diane, you know what you're talking about :)
    Doesn't sting as bad as Windex ("there ya go...").
    Fortunately, no wood was harmed during the making of this mistake.
  • What about the windex?
  • Can't be getting blood on the wood, that stuff stains.
  • plus a bullet to bite down on -- superglue stings!
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