Phlogistocupric Melancholiresophone.

Phlogistocupric Melancholiresophone.2013 Builder's Contest Entry. Copper Lowe Cone, Mojobone Works rod biscuit bridge, mahogany neck, panga panga fretboard and accents, redwood burl raw veneer, 6 paired strings tuned in unison.Built for Ron "Oily" Sprague.
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  • Neat-O!

  • Thanks Joe.

    The guitar was built for Ron so I didn't play it much before sending it off and I didn't post any videos.  I know he is working on a video himself and he will play/sing much better than I.

    If you check my page there's a video with construction details and a little sound check plugged in and acoustic.  Here's another one I did that hasn't been posted.

  • Amazing! Posted a video yet, would love to hear how it sounds. 

  • The redwood and cooper go great together, so does the bridge. Looks great!

  • I really thought it would have popped more with the judges.  

    I wasn't in the contest for the prizes or to prove anything to myself or anyone else, but the build plan I already had in mind fit with the contest criteria that was subsequently announced.  I likely would not have made a contest entry if this guitar was not already in the early stages of being built and regardless of the outcome, I'm very, very happy I did enter.

    Maybe I just needed one more pack of sprockets.  Hahahaha.

  • this guitar belongs in the blues hall of fame !

  • Thanks Bluesheart!  It was a joy to build.  A few frustrations taken as learning experiences and I'm really pleased with the result.

  • Amazing looking build!

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