Padron Sunburst

I had this Padron box that I had attempted a sunburst finish on a while back that was sitting around and finally got around to doing something with. Rest of the parts were sitting in my junk drawer. I still need to fine tune the bridge and/or the upper frets - getting a little buzz on bass string.
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  • I use the easy method - spray cans.  I don't have the patience for doing the rub on dyes you see on U-tube. LOL.

    I first sand and seal the box, then spray the whole box with the lightest color I want, in this case yellow tinted lacquer (Krylon Stained Glass Color from craft store).  Then I dust red tinted lacquer (VHT Night Shades Red - auto store) over the middle working outwards lightly to heavier coats.  Then I spray black (VHT Night Shades again) around the edges until I get the effect I want.  The transparent tinted lacquers allow the grain to show through.  Clear lacquer top coats finish it off.

    The lacquer has the advantage of drying fast, and you can sand or steel wool off any mistakes or overspray if you want.  This box was just an experiment, but it came out okay, IMHO.

    If you try it, be sure to do it outside or in a well ventilated area.  Lacquer fumes are nasty.

    BTW - here's a Candy Apple box that I did with just the red tint:


  • What method did you use for the sunburst? I am taking my first attempt at one and it has been a messy learning experience
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