
What builder hasn't seen this view? LOL.
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  • All to familiar! I’ve had some doozies that are too gruesome to post. Let’s just say I have no feeling in my left thumb or index finger. But luckily they still work. 

  • Swearing sometimes helps to provide a quicker recovery.  When I'm chiselling, I half expect to slightly "modify" a digit... bonus if I don't!

  • Workshops mishaps happen. They're always a bit unnerving when they do. Ron, it was a combination rasp/chisel but I was using it as a chisel at the time so yeah... I guess it was a chisel. LOL.

  • As if to indulge in proving my point in my previous post, either that or Karma, (Is that a "thing"?), is punishing me for teasing you, I ran a 3/8 inch sliver into my hand sorting wood to make a canjo today. My utility knife and a pair of tweezers managed to get it out in one piece. (I hope, (grins!))

    I should own stock in Neosporin.

  • Let me guess. chisel. I build CBG to large furniture have every power tool, but the lowly chisel has drawn more blood than all the other tools combined.

  • "especially when you're as uncoordinated as I am."

    I'm not "uncoordinated". I'm just clumsy.

  • A regular occurrence on nearly every build I do, the smallest nick usually bleeds like buggery, when part of your medications include blood thinners, ;-{

  • It is exactly the one you're thinking Bob. And if you look carefully you can see a blurry rendition in the background. LOL. Don't worry... I didn't get any blood on the CBG.

  • I have a curved carpet needle and thread if you need it.  I hope that didn’t happen on the CBG I’m thinking you might have been working on.  I already deposited some blood on the neck of the one I’m building but not as much as you are leaking.

  • Ha ha. If you use power tools, you're bound to get a few scrapes... especially when you're as uncoordinated as I am.

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